"But the fact is that Christ has been raised from the dead. He has become the first of a great harvest of those who will be raised to life again." (1 Corinthians 15:20)
Once again, I thank each of you who supported our family through these past years of struggle. You have richly blessed our family with your gift of prayer, encouragement, time, meals, and friendship.
I will post memorial service and burial arrangements on this web site when I can confirm the times and dates. Earlier this week I wrote a short biography/obituary to send to the newspapers. I will post it now so you can read it here first:
Vicki was born April 27, 1962 in Maryville, TN. In her early years her family moved to Salisbury, NC and finally settled in Florence, SC where Vicki attended West Florence High School, class of 1980. She then attended Furman University in Greenville, SC, and in 1984, she graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Spanish.
After graduation, Vicki accepted a position as a Christian missionary with the Southern Baptist Convention’s North American Mission Board. In this role she was assigned to the staff of Columbia Baptist Church in Falls Church, VA where she served for two years as a missionary to the various foreign embassies and consulates in Washington, DC.
Following her service as a missionary, Vicki accepted a position with the Meetings and Expositions Department of the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) in Alexandria, VA. For the next seven years she coordinated annual and semi annual meetings and national and international conventions throughout the US and Canada on behalf of the Association. By the time she resigned from APTA in 1995 she was the director for exposition services.
In late-1995, following the birth of her second daughter, Vicki began her career as a stay-at-home mom and followed her life-long love of music by becoming a part-time piano teacher. As a piano teacher, she focused on the development of beginner music and piano fundamentals in pre-teen children. She taught piano in her home in association with the Fairfax-Loudon Music Fellowship (FLMF), where she also served for a period as the treasurer. She continued in this endeavor for 10 years, until in early 2006 she became too weak from the ravages of cancer to continue.
Vicki expressed her love for children throughout her entire adult life. She participated in, and usually led, various children’s missionary education programs and Vacation Bible School programs at Columbia Baptist Church, and later at Southview Baptist Church in Reston, VA.
For most who knew Vicki, the word gracious captures her personality. She always greeted people with a smile, striving to encourage others and build consensus. She lived a beautiful, but all too short, life. Before she went home to the Lord, she spoke of her only regret: she would no longer be able to help in the lives of her daughters and students. But she will remain in our hearts forever. Her spirit will carry us until we see her again in heaven.
Paul and girls,
We just read the news about Vicki, and we mourn with you in your loss. We know, as you have so beautifully said, that she is now without pain and in the presence of Jesus. Our prayers for you and Kelly and Lauren will continue during this time of adjustment for you all. Alyssa said a beautiful prayer for your family tonight, not knowing that Vicki had already died. Please tell Lauren that Alyssa thinks of her often and prays for her.
Roger and Kim
This morning Jennifer and I cry and mourn with you over the loss of Vicki. I am sorry for pain and brokennes the fall has brought into our world. I am gratefull for the hope that in Christ we will unite together with her in eternity. For today and many days to come I pray for the Father to give you and the girls strength, hope, and the powerful reminder of His love for you.
Today...may the Lord bless you, may the Lord keep you, may the Lord make His face to shine on you and give you His grace.
Your brother, abe
My Dad has included us and we have been able to pray for your family from Texas. We are so sorry for your loss and pray for divine comfort now for you and your girls. Your words about her were precious and her countenance in the picture captures her love for our Lord. Thank you for sharing this time with us. I look forward to meeting your entire family in Heaven one day.
Paul -
I am so sorry to hear of this loss to you and your children. I also know that this has been a very long road for all of you and that God in his mercy is now holding Vicki and your family in the palm of His hand. May the love and warmth of your family and friends continue to surround you during this time. You are in my thoughts and prayers. -Pam Bothello
Dear Paul,
Nothing I type could be adequate at this time.
I pray and KNOW that our Lord is with you, Kelly and Lauren! He will shower grace on you and the girls each day as you walk through this very difficult time.
I know that Vicki was fighting this disease so as not to ever leave her precious family that she LOVES so much! From the short time I got to know Vicki, her love for her husband and two daughters just glowed about her. I thank the Lord for allowing us all to have such a beautiful person in our lives...Vicki was and IS a Beautiful Child of G*d.
Your friends, family and all G*d's children are around you right now, we will lift you up and keep you going through prayer, hugs, meals, etc. We love you!
Jenn & Joel, Emmy & Missy Villa
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